====== Value & Tolerance to Saturated Soil of Bottomland Hardwoods ====== ^Very Intolerant ^Intolerant ^ Intermediate ^Tolerant ^Very Tolerant | ^ Highest Value ^^^^| |Cherrybark Oak |American Syacamore |Sweetgum |Green Ash |Bald Cypress | |Shumard Oak |Swamp Chestnut Oak |Cottonwood |Pumpkin Ash | | |White Ash | | | | | |White Oak | | | | | |Delta Post Oak | | | | | |Black Oak | | | | | |Northern Red Oak | | | | | |Black Walnut | | | | | |Yellow-poplar | | | | | ^Intermediate Value ^^^^| |Southern Red Oak | |Water Oak |Bur Oak |Pond Cypress | | | |Silver Maple |Laurel Oak |Swamp Tupelo | | | |Nuttall Oak | |Water Tupelo | | | |Pecan | | | | | |Hackberry | | | | | |Sugarberry | | | ^Low Value ^^^^| | |Winged Elm |Cedar Elm |Red Maple |Black Willow | | |Hicory Spp. |American Elm |Willow Oak |Swamp cottonwood | | |Red Mulberry |Pin Oak |Waterlocust | | | |Blackgum |Honeylocust |Overcup Oak | | | | |River Birch |Water Hickory | | | | |Persimmon | | | ^Weed Species ^^^^| |Sassafrass |Boxelder | |Privet |Buttonbush | |Hawthorn |American Hornbeam | |Possumhaw |Planertree | | |American hophornbeam| | |Loblolly-bay | | | | | |Redbay | Source: Adapted from Briscoe, 1957; Green, 1947; Silker, 1948; Yeager, 1949; Hall and Smith, 1955; Demarce, 1932; McDermott, 1954a; and Hasner, 1959. Regional Silviculture of the United States.