Tree Planting Guides

What Trees to Plant Where

The first decision to make is what species to plant. This will depend to some extent upon what product the landowner wants to grow but, more importantly, it will depend upon the soil and location of the planting site. Remember, the biggest mistake made in tree planting to date is planting the wrong species. See the chart for general guidelines.

Pine Species-site Planting Guide

Physiographic Region Poorly Drained Sites Moderately Drained Sites Dry Sites
Coastal Plain Northern Loblolly Loblolly Virginia, loblolly. Longleaf on sandhill sites only.
Coastal Plain Southern Slash or Loblolly Slash or Loblolly Longleaf, Choctawhatchee Sand in Fla. Ga. and S. Caro.
Coastal Plain Upper Loblolly Loblolly Shortleaf, Virginia
Piedmont Upper Loblolly Loblolly Virginia, Shortleaf*
Piedmont Lower Loblolly Loblolly Viginia, Shortleaf*
Blue Ridge White, Loblolly Virgina, Shortleaf
Valley and Ridge White Virginia, Shortleaf
Appalachian White Virginia, Shortleaf
Interior Low Plateaus Loblolly Loblolly,Virginia,Shortleaf Virginia, Shortleaf
White except in Alabama
Ozarks Loblolly (Ark & Oklahoma) Shortleaf
Ouachitas Loblolly Shortleaf

*Except where littleleaf disease is prevalent.