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curves_upland_oak [2012/07/13 17:42]
curves_upland_oak [2016/06/28 21:19]
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-====== Site Index Curves ====== +
-===== Upland Oak ===== +
-{{::​uplandoak1.jpg|}} +
-\\ +
-Source: USDA Tech. Bul. No. 560 1937\\ +
-{{:​uplandoak2.jpg|}} +
-\\ +
-These site index curves are based on 697 observations of height on age for white, northern, red, southern +
-red, scarlet, black, and chestnut oak in the Virginia-Carolina Piedmont and the Southern Appalachian +
-Mountains. The curves were constructed using equations of the form, Log Height = a + b (1/age).+
curves_upland_oak.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/28 21:19 (external edit)