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curves_white_oak [2016/06/28 21:19] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +  <!--[if lt IE 9]><​script language="​javascript"​ type="​text/​javascript"​ src="​lib/​plugins/​jqplot/​excanvas.js"></​script><​![endif]-->​
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 +  <link rel="​stylesheet"​ type="​text/​css"​ href="​lib/​plugins/​jqplot/​jquery.jqplot.css"​ />
 +====== Site Index Curves ======
 +===== White Oak - Unglaciated uplands of southeastern Ohio, eastern Kentucky, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and southern Missouri =====
 +    <div id="​chartdiv-wrapper">​
 +      <div id="​chartdiv"></​div>​
 +    </​div>​
 +    <script type="​text/​javascript">​
 +      var options = {
 +        title: '​Unglaciated uplands of southeastern Ohio, eastern Kentucky, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and southern Missouri',​
 +        containerId:​ '​chartdiv',​
 +        baseAge: 50,
 +        bVars: [4.5598, 0.8136, -0.0132, 2.241, -0.188],
 +        cVars: [0.3387, 1.0135, -0.0076, -0.9644, -0.0176],
 +        ageMin: 10,
 +        ageMax: 130,
 +        siMin: 30,
 +        siMax: 80,
 +        ageStep: 5,
 +        siStep: 10
 +      }
 +      siteIndexChart = new SiteIndexChart(options);​
 +    </​script>​
curves_white_oak.txt ยท Last modified: 2016/06/28 21:19 (external edit)