Dichotomous Key for Field Identification of Soil Texture

A. Soil when pinched between the thumb and finger, crumbles, will form no 'ribbon.'

B. Soil squeezed in hand when dry, falls apart readily: squeezed when moist, forms a cast that

breaks if not handled carefully. Individual sand grains can be readily seen 
and felt....Sandy Loam

B. Soil, squeezed in hand when dry, forms cast that bears careful handling; squeezed when moist,
forms a cast that can be handled quite freely without breaking. Soil smooth. Sand grains not readily
   C. Soil slightly plastic when moist, but not greasy. Gritty when dry, not floury
   Color brown or dark gray..............Loam.
   C. Soil Greasy when moist, floury when dry. On wetting it runs together and puddles. 
   Color light gray or nearly white...........Silt Loam.

A. Soil When Pinched between the thumb and finger, forms a 'ribbon' at least barely sustaining its own weight.

D. Ribbon breaks easily, barely sustains own weight.

   E. Individual sand grains can readily be seen and felt. Moist soil friable. Color usually 
   brownish yellow to brownish red...........Sandy Clay Loam.
   E. Soil smooth. Sand grains not evident. Moist soil somewhat plastic.
      F. Soil heavy and greasy when moist. Color dully gray, sometimes containing iron 
      concentrations..........Silty Clay Loam.
      F. Soil Mellow and loose when moist. Color usually yellowish brown to reddish 
      brown....Clay Loam

D. Ribbon is long and flexible, strong.
      G. Individual sand grains can readily be seen and felt. Moist soil somewhat friable. Color
      usually bright red or yellow..........Sandy Clay.
      G. Sand not evident. Moist soil plastic.
         H. Color usually gray, sometimes containing iron concentrations......Silty Clay
         H. Color usually dark red, often mottled with gray or yellow.........Clay.