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Value & Tolerance to Competition of Bottomland Hardwoods

Very Intolerant Intolerant Intermediate Tolerant Very Tolerant
Highest Value
Cottonwood Cherrybark Oak Swamp Chesnut Oak
Shumard Oak White Oak
White Ash Delta Post Oak
American Sycamore Green Ash
Sweetgum Bald Cypress
Yellow-Poplar Pumpkin Ash
Black Walnut
Intermediate Value
Silver Maple Bur Oak Magnolia Hackberry
Nuttall Oak Southern Red Oak Sugarberry
Water Oak Pond Cypress
Swamp Tupelo Laurel Oak
Kentucky Coffeetree
Water Tupelo
Low Value
Willow Willow Oak Post Oak American Elm Cedar Elm
Water Hickory Overcup Oak Winged Elm American Beech
River Birch Blackgum Red Maple Hickory spp.
Pin Oak Waterlocust Red Mulberry
Swamp Cottonwood Persimmon
Weed Species
Sassafras Planertree Boxelder American holly
Buttonbush Privet American Hornbeam
Possumhaw American hophornbeam
Rough Leaf Dogwood Hawthorn spp.

Source: Adapted from McDermott, 1954b; Putnam, 1951b; Hosner, 1957b; and Putnam et al. 1960. Regional Silviculture of the United States; Edited by John W. Barrett; The Ronald Press Company, New York.

value_and_tolerance_to_competition.txt · Last modified: 2012/08/16 17:11 by